Thursday, October 31, 2013

Endless Waiting, God's Perfect Plan

After we finally had a goal in mind - Vietnam, we began the endless amount of paperwork/home studies we had heard horror stories about. We hired someone to do our home study, spend quite a bit of money with this and securing an agency to pursue a Vietnam adoption. We also decided it was time to find a house that was going to pass a home study. We had looked for a house off and on for a year or two with no luck at all but when God's timing is right, things happen fast. It was our first day looking that our realtor drove us to our house and we knew instantly that we wanted it and within a month it was ours. It was perfect and we were so grateful (still are) for it.

Well, the first year we lived here we had plenty of time to fix it up, paint and repair things, getting it ready for the family we dreamed of and we had plenty of time to wait. And that is what we did, waited and wondered what and how our child would come. January of 2008 we got a call from our agency that Vietnam had closed to all adoptions and they were not sure how long it would be until they re-opened. They told us we could wait it out or we could switch to a different country within their agency. More confusion, more questions, more uncertainty, more disappointment and heartache, more waiting.

We decided to stay with Vietnam...and then we decided to buy a dog!

The Beginning

It was August, 2006. We were just about 4 years into our marriage and we were done trying to have children the "natural"way, felt the Lord had something else in mind. God had been working in my heart, directing us to adopt but we were still so confused. We had so many questions and we were so ignorant of all things pertaining to adoption (thankful God is not). We decided to attend an informational adoption seminar in Georgia in hopes of getting some answers. It was exciting and we took in a lot of information. Adoption seemed much more real in our minds and attainable, we dreamed of what our child would be like, but we still had so many unanswered questions. We took many pamphlets home to review. I knew I wanted to adopt a child from overseas so I would not have to worry about bio-logical parents but we never had a clear sense of direction as to what we began the process of elimination...and chose Vietnam. Vietnam! Now we had direction, right? We thought so and chose an agency to move forward with.

Little did we know, God had different plans. He was preparing our hearts for adoption but we had no clue what else He was doing. But God knew...and he was with our little boy at this same moment...with him in the womb of his Birth Mother not more than 10 miles away from us.