Saturday, November 2, 2013

God's Moving

We were tired of waiting, wondering if our dreams of children would ever happen, wondering how God was going to work. How many more years would we have to wait. It seemed like that's all we did was wait, wait, wait. So, we came home one night with our Golden Doodle and loved her and called her Heidi.

The next day we got a call from Steve's sister:
"I know this women whose child goes to the same preschool that Noelle goes too. She's a Foster Mother of this little boy and he's going to be placed for adoption soon...." She thought she should mention this to us just in case, she listened to the nudging of the Holy Spirit and we are forever grateful.

We took down the information and exhaled. Why does this excite me and not scare me to death? Why do I not care anymore if we adopt locally and not overseas? Why do I not fear birth families like I used to? God must have immediately changed my heart and I'm forever grateful.

We still didn't know if anything would come of this, we were not even in the foster care system, why would they choose us to adopt this little boy...but we made the call to the social worker. She made an appointment with us for the following week. Was God doing something here, was he stalling Vietnam so we would open our hearts to this little boy? Or are we just chasing more dreams that would be shattered. We chose to move forward and find out.

The meeting day, we were filled with excitement and fear, what if they don't choose us? What if there are other parents wanting to adopt him? What if we don't answer questions right? What if, What if, but God. If He wants it to happen it will.

And it did! They interviewed us, showed us his picture, told us about him, and then basically said if we were willing to adopt him they would go with us! What? Could this be real! Could it be this easy! Within a week we had a promise of a child!

And the wonderful whirlwind began!

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